Red Deer Gem & Mineral Show - February 21st to 24th

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The 2018 Red Deer Gem & Mineral Show

Join Silver Cove Ltd and an amazing crew of gem addicts for an amazing show that will feature a hands on, all ages event dedicated to rocks, minerals, fossils, gemstones, beads and more!

For five amazing days, Silver Cove is proud to partner up with the Westerner Park Harvest Centre to bring you a world class event that everyone in the family will enjoy. Our Gem & Mineral Shows have a reputation for being one of the best in Canada, and we cannot wait to bring our amazing selection to Red Deer.

Gemstones, Home Décor, Gemstone Jewelry, Loose Facets, Mineral Specimens, Fossils, Crystals, Beads, Cabochons, and as much gem and mineral related pieces that we can fit into one fantastic hall.The Red Deer Gem & Mineral Show is organized and hosted by Silver Cove Ltd, a family owned company that started in 2007 by Melissa and Chris Robak in Alberta, Canada. They are dedicated rock hounds, touring all over North America and the world digging their own gemstones such as Opals, Copralite, Lazulite, Tugtupite, and Ammolite.


February 21 - February 24 10:00 am - 8:00 pm
February 25 10:00 am - 5:00 pm 

Location Information:

Harvest Centre, Westerner Park
4847A 19th Street
Red Deer, AB
T4R 2N7

For more information visit the Westerner Park website at:

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