Flying Turtle Acupuncture Clinic in Red Deer 403-343-1539

Massage Therapy Servcies Red Deer -

Flying Turtle Acupuncture TCM Massage

BOOK NOW 403-343-1539

What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is an ancient part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that has been practiced worldwide for thousands of years. It is based on a flow of qi (chee) throughout the entire body. This qi flows through different parts of the body along defined pathways called meridians.

When there is open and clear flow of qi there is no pain or dysfunction, when the qi is blocked there is pain and dysfunction. This is where an acupuncturist comes in. They can unblock this pain and allow you to return your life again, pain free!

Choosing the right acupuncture clinic that knows what they are doing is always the best solutions. Dr Arlo Chinnery of the Flying Turtle Acupuncture Clinic in Red Deer is the #1 leader in Acupuncture Services! Call for a free consultation today 403-343-1539.

Suffering from a chronic pain injury or other type of pain like Arthritis or Fibromyalgia?

Whether you are older and have back pain or arthritis, or a sports injury due to playing hockey, tennis, or baseball, arthritis and massage therapy together are beneficial. Most everyone who gets a massage loves it and books repeated sessions because they feel so good, better than they have felt in years.

Pain management is a big deal if you want to enjoy your life. Simply things like keeping your weight down and doing yoga are just a couple things you can do to make your life pain-free. But if yoga, meds, or exercising simply do not work, then see your doctor to get an MRI or other form of xray to see what the underlying cause is for your pain.

There could be something wrong with a disk in your back that could possibly be causing the pain, or you could have a condition like arthritis or fibromyalgia. So upon seeing a doctor and getting xrays, and you are approved for alternative medical treatments like acupuncture, massage therapy or physio, that is a huge step forward in improving your day to day life.

Massage Therapy

Massage has been found to improve circulation, range of motion and flexibility as well as overall total body relaxation. It can reduce many common ailments such as stress, muscle tightness, aches and pains even anxiety and depression.Our uniquely relaxing, therapeutic or deep tissue massage is flexible enough to accommodate your individual needs. Our massage combines a number of techniques designed to soothe and recharge you.

Massage can help ease painful muscles and joints in the back, legs, arms, neck, and shoulders. Wherever you feel tension, or injury due to walking or some sports injury, Red Deer Massage Clinic can help!

Some people experience almost instant relief right after the massage, while other take time for the muscles to repair themselves. There are many immediate benefits to getting a massage in order to repair tire aching muscles and to experience a feeling of well being. Acupuncture and massage therapy together are an effective treatment for many conditions like headaches, back pain, arthritis, and fibromyalgia.
Acupuncture itself addresses many other conditions like PTSD, anxiety, depression, not to mention digestive and neurological disorders as well.

Flying Turtle Acupuncture and Massage Clinic Red Deer

Dr Arlo's Acupuncture and Massage Clinic ( opened May 01, 2018 bringing in an establish client list belonging to the well known acupuncturist in Red Deer – Dr J Arlo Chinnery. New patients as well have been lining up to see Dr Arlo and his TCM Acupuncture and Massage staff for appointments.

Acupuncture can treat many painful conditions throughout the body including chronic back pain, headaches, foot pain, knee pain, shoulder pain, and many other types of pain such as the following:

  • Chronic Back Pain
  • Headaches
  • Sinus pain
  • Arthritis pain
  • Fibromyalgia pain
  • Stress, Anxiety, Depression, & PTSD issues
  • Sciatica pain
  • Sports Injuries (sprains, strains)
  • Frozen shoulder pain
  • Pain from Shingles
  • Sequela Stroke pain
  • IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) pain

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The Red Deer Acupuncture & Massage Clinic is taking new patients for acupuncture, TCM, and massage - CALL TO BOOK 403-343-1539
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