Acupuncture and Massage Therapy Red Deer, Alberta - 403-343-1539

Acupuncture is an effective treatment for back pain, headaches, arthritis, fibromyalgia and chronic pain of all types. Acupuncture also addresses many anxiety, depression, as well as digestive and neurological disorders.

See Dr J Arlo Chinnery for to book your Acupuncture or Massage session in Red Deer Alberta – 403-343-1539

Flying Turtle TCM Acupuncture is an Acupuncture & Massage Clinic located in Red Deer, Alberta that can help with pain management and most medical conditions. Dr J Arlo Chinnery will continue to play an important role in complimentary healthcare options for the Red Deer community and surrounding areas.  Check out the Flying Turtle TCM Acupuncture and Massage clinic.


Acupuncture is a modality of Chinese Medicine that can treat may conditions throughout the body like back pain, headaches, arthritis as well as many other types of pain and other medical conditions such as:

  • Back Pain
  • Headaches
  • Sinus issues
  • Arthritis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Anxiety, Stress, Depression, PTSD
  • Sciatica
  • Sprains and strains from Sports Injuries
  • Frozen shoulders
  • Shingles
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Bell’s palsy
  • Sequela Stroke
  • IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)


Flying Turtle Acupuncture And Massage Clinic is Red Deer Alberta’s Premier Therapeutic Massage Provider.

Opening on May 01, 2018, Dr J Arlo Chinnery’s patients from the Hospital Medical Dental Building in Red Deer are lining up to see what added benefits the new facility will provide. While providing the same level of professional services, Flying Turtle TCM Acupuncture and Massage Clinic is adding the services of Kanpimon (Bell) Chinnery RMT. Bell will bring the added benefits of professional massage therapy, using a variety of great therapeutic styles.

It is now easier than ever in Red Deer to experience the positive effects of massage therapy. Call to learn more about the many types of massage therapy offered today by Flying Turtle TCM Acupuncture and Massage in Red Deer – 403-343-1539

Types of Massage Therapy

Massage Therapy (Massage has been found to improve circulation, range of motion and flexibility as well as overall total body relaxation. It can reduce many common ailments such as stress, muscle tightness, aches and pains even anxiety and depression.Our uniquely relaxing, therapeutic or deep tissue massage is flexible enough to accommodate your individual needs. Our massage combines a number of techniques designed to soothe and recharge you. )

Hot Stone Massage (Hot Stone Massage is a form of massage therapy that follows the same principles of Swedish Massage with the addition of heated stones, which helps lead to deep relaxation. Adding heat to specific areas on the body enhances the feelings of relaxation and peace. Recommended in particular for individuals suffering from fibromyalgia, arthritis or other chronic pain. The penetrating effects of the heated stones allows the massage to be delivered without excessive pressure.)

Foot Reflexology (Focusing on the pressure points on the feet based on a system of zones and reflex areas that reflects the image of the body. The stimulation of these areas can physically improve overall health from this soothing and relaxing treatment.)

Prenatal Massage ( The extra weight in your belly during the pregnancy can bring strain on your back and tension on your neck. Prenatal massage can helps you relieve this pain, it also helps you keep a good posture)

Thai Massage (Calming and invigorating, a combination of stretching and acupressure massage. Therapeutic, relaxing, energizing, focusing upon the energy make up of the body, alleviating aches, pains and imbalances. De-stressing, harmonizing the mind, body and spirit. The massage pressure and stretching techniques are customised to suit your needs and body type. No oil used. Please be sure to wear comfortable clothing.)


The Red Deer Chinese Herbal Clinic is taking new patients this month so now is a good time to jump on it and book your next acupuncture or Chinese Herbal Session – 403-343-1539.

Chinese Herbal medicine is seen by many practitioners around the world as an holistic approach to healing painful conditions in the body. Terpenes, polysaccharides, and  alkaloids are some of the substances used to remove toxins in the body reinforcing the immune system, which in turn releasing pain in many parts of the body.

Red Deer’s own Traditional Chinese Medicine clinic (Flying Turtle TCM Acupuncture & Massage) is a great choice for Chinese Herbal Remedies, Acupuncture and Massage.

Other TCM Services Offered

  • Acupuncture and Seeding
  • Cupping
  • Gua Sha (Scraping)
  • Moxa

Contact Flying Turtle TCM Acupuncture and Massage today to book your consultation or next acupuncture session – 403-343-1539

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Testimonial: I am so grateful to Dr J Arlo Chinnery! I had sciatica so bad I went for one treatment and it felt so much better!
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